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By Michael Washington on 9/24/2011 10:35 PM


In this Blog post, we will create a LightSwitch Control Extension that consists of a Button. The LightSwitch Control Extension will allow us to specify the color of each instance of the Button.

At this time, there is no other documentation anywhere describing how to create a LightSwitch Control Extension that is of type Command (used for Buttons)…

By Michael Washington on 9/18/2011 11:10 AM


To save space on the screen, you may find that it is sometimes easier to scroll through the records rather than select them using a standard LightSwitch List control. This is actually a trivial exercise, but hopefully it shows that you have granular control of how records are displayed on the screen.

In addition, remember that everything described here still applies if you are using Silverlight Custom Controls.

By Michael Washington on 9/10/2011 6:29 AM

When you write code in the LightSwitch client layer, you have programmatic access to most of the application. This also applies when you use Silverlight Custom Controls. This is important because it saves you from writing a lot of code. A professional developer can be far more productive when creating a LightSwitch application than when they are coding a Silverlight application without using LightSwitch.

You have the option of Running a LightSwitch Application With A Blank Shell....
By Michael Washington on 9/5/2011 9:36 AM

The now has multiple bloggers. I realized that the Tags menu is really the only way for people to find past Blogs.


By Kostas Christodoulou on Friday, September 2, 2011
This is my approach to making screen authorization (show/hide) more effective and robust that hard-coding permission names in the “_CanRun” partial methods. The library and sample code is published here. As with my previous post the code is posted to msdn and here I will explain in detail how to use the library and what the sample does.

First let’s prepare. After downloading the sample and before you can run you must create a database I use for storing screen security information. Create a database named LSSecurity and then open and execute the script found in the zip at the path Files\LSSecurity.script.sql. Then you have to go to your ServerGenerated\Web.Config and change the connection string from localhost\clcadlocal to the name of your SQL server. This database is imported by the sample Lightswitch application in a datasource called LightSwitchSecurity. The entities from this datasource are used to implement...
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