Written by:
Michael Washington
12/28/2012 10:24 AM

To create responsive HTML applications (using JavaScript) you will need to use asynchronous calls to communicate with external resources. While you can make requests synchronously, it is a bad practice because it locks up the web browser.
Asynchronous code isn’t easy to write, however, there are patterns that make it easier. In .NET there are classes like Task<T> that allows you to await on asynchronous code. This code is easier to write because it looks like synchronous code. To write asynchronous code in JavaScript, we have the Promise object. A Promise object is an object that acts as a proxy for a result that is initially unknown.
As the LightSwitch team pointed out to me:
- In order to communicate with remote resources from code, you need to write asynchronous code.
- Promise objects are one possible way of managing asynchronous work that LightSwitch has adopted.
- WinJS Promise objects represent the specific implementation of Promises that the LightSwitch runtime understands.
Promise Objects In LightSwitch

In LightSwitch, Promise objects are produced by calling async methods. For example:
is an async method, and it returns a Promise object.

We create the server side query by selecting Add Query after right-clicking on the table.
We then use the following code:
partial void OrdersForUser_PreprocessQuery(ref IQueryable<PromiseOrders> query)
// Only show the Orders for the current user
query = query.Where(x => x.UserName == this.Application.User.Identity.Name);

We open the Screen and select the Created method.

If we try to directly call the query we find that it does not return the expected value, instead, it returns a Promise object.
To consume the Promise object, we use the following code:
myapp.Main.created = function (screen) {
myapp.activeDataWorkspace.ApplicationData.OrdersForUser().execute().then(function (results) {
var TotalCountOfOrders = CountOrders(results);
screen.TotalOrdersForCurrentUser = TotalCountOfOrders.toString();
function CountOrders(Orders) {
var TotalOrders = 0;
var orders = Orders.results;
orders.forEach(function (order) {
TotalOrders = TotalOrders + 1;
return TotalOrders;

When we run the application, we see that the code works as expected.
The Then Method

A Promise object really only has one interesting method the then method (note: It is not recommended that you use the done method because the scenarios for its proper use is few).
With the then method, you can specify code that is called when the asynchronous work has completed (either with an error or successfully).
Calling The msls.promiseOperation Directly

We can use the msls.promiseOperation method to wrap any asynchronous call that we need to make (to maintain the most predictable coding experience, the best way to create your own Promise objects is to use the msls.promiseOperation() method).
The best examples can be found in the article: New LightSwitch HTML Client APIs (Stephen Provine) . It includes examples of importing data from remote web sites.
Let us look at an example that demonstrates how we can use this method to encapsulate async methods.
In the article, Retrieving The Current User In The LightSwitch HTML Client , we retrieved the user name of the currently logged in user, using this JQuery code:
type: 'post',
data: {},
url: '../web/GetUserName.ashx',
success: function success(result) {
entity.UserName = result;
This code is not very extensible because in order to assign the result to the UserName property of the entity, the entire code must reside inside the calling method.

Instead, we can open the table…

Click the Client tab.
This switches us to the client side code that will interact with the entity (this code will be written in JavaScript and run on the client).

We then select the Created method.
We use the following code for the method:
myapp.PromiseOrders.created = function (entity) {
// Set the default date for the Order
entity.OrderDate = new Date();
// Using a Promise object we can call the CallGetUserName function
msls.promiseOperation(CallGetUserName).then(function PromiseSuccess(PromiseResult) {
// Set the result of the CallGetUserName function to the
// UserName of the entity
entity.UserName = PromiseResult;
// This function will be wrapped in a Promise object
function CallGetUserName(operation) {
type: 'post',
data: {},
url: '../web/GetUserName.ashx',
success: operation.code(function AjaxSuccess(AjaxResult) {
A few things to note about the code above:
- The CallGetUserName method is passed an operation that is being set to complete in the success parameter of the JQuery Ajax call. If we do not do this the Promise operation will not know when it is complete.
- The complete method allows us to pass an optional value to the calling method (in this case we are passing the user name retrieved).
- The advantage of using the msls.promiseOperation in this example, is that it allows us to wrap the JQuery Ajax call. This allows us to place it in a separate method which provides for more manageable code.
Handling Errors
In LightSwitch, there are three things you can do regarding errors:
- Don’t handle them. In this case, the error will be silently eaten by the runtime.
- Pass a second function to the then method. This function will be called if there was an error.
- In custom screen methods, return the created Promise to the runtime. The LightSwitch runtime attaches handlers for both erroneous and successful completion, and will show any errors that occurred to the user. It will also grey out the application and show a progress indicator if the promise does not complete within a reasonable amount of time. This is the recommended approach for custom screen methods.
For Render Methods Use Binding

The best use of Promise methods is for external async calls. For LightSwitch data, you will still want to use data binding as described in the article: Writing JavaScript That Implements The Binding Pattern In Visual Studio LightSwitch.
As the LightSwitch team pointed out to me:
In render and post render code, you almost always want to use the data binding to handle cases where data is not loaded yet. By hooking up the data binding, the initial traversal of the data binding path will cause data to start loading and at some point later, your code will be called when the data has been loaded.
For example, the following code does not work:

When we run the application, the associated Products have not had a chance to load so the display is blank.
Instead we use the following code that uses data binding:
myapp.AddEditPromiseOrders.RowTemplate_render = function (element, contentItem) {
// We need to wait until the Products for the Order Detail are loaded
// so we create a binding to "value.PromiseProduct.ProductName"
// When the data is loaded the binding will be raised
// We will then have all the data required for our display
contentItem.dataBind("value.PromiseProduct.ProductName", function (newValue) {
// Create a template
var itemTemplate = $("<div></div>");
// Get the Product name and quantity
var ProductName = contentItem.value.PromiseProduct.ProductName;
var ProductQuantity = contentItem.value.ProductQuantity;
// Create the final display
var FinalName = $("<h2>" + ProductName + ' [' + ProductQuantity + ']' + "</h2>");
// Complete the template

The code now works as expected.
A Promise method could have been used, but it would not update when the values changed.
Special Thanks
A special thanks to LightSwitch team member Stephen Provine for his valuable assistance.
LightSwitch Help Website Articles
Retrieving The Current User In The LightSwitch HTML Client
Writing JavaScript That Implements The Binding Pattern In Visual Studio LightSwitch
Implementing The Wijmo Radial Gauge In The LightSwitch HTML Client
Writing JavaScript In LightSwitch HTML Client Preview
Creating JavaScript Using TypeScript in Visual Studio LightSwitch
Theming Your LightSwitch Website Using JQuery ThemeRoller
Using Toastr with Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML Client (Preview)
LightSwitch Team HTML and JavaScript Articles
Custom Controls and Data Binding in the LightSwitch HTML Client (Joe Binder)
Creating Screens with the LightSwitch HTML Client (Joe Binder)
The LightSwitch HTML Client: An Architectural Overview (Stephen Provine)
Writing JavaScript Code in LightSwitch (Joe Binder)
New LightSwitch HTML Client APIs (Stephen Provine)
A New API for LightSwitch Server Interaction: The ServerApplicationContext
Building a LightSwitch HTML Client: eBay Daily Deals (Andy Kung)
Download Code
The LightSwitch project is available at
(you must have LightSwitch HTML Client CTP4 or higher installed to run the code)
10 comment(s) so far...
Michael, This is really a great article, especially for a Jquery dummy like me :) thanks a lot paul.
By paul van bladel on
12/29/2012 1:05 AM
@paul van bladel - Thanks. At this point I am just putting out articles as I learn something :)
By Michael Washington on
12/29/2012 5:38 AM
Good article (as always), but an unfortunate choice to mix promise objects with promised orders.
By dan houck on
4/5/2014 11:05 AM
In LS2013 I have not the web folder, I created one and created the promise inside, but it does'nt works. Sorry for my englist, ain't my native language!
By Haden Yasser on
5/4/2014 11:50 AM
@Haden Yasser - You can download the code that goes with this article and open it in Visual Studio 2013 and it should work. You can then compare the code to your own.
By Michael Washington on
5/4/2014 11:52 AM
Hi again Michael.
Back to my parent/child screen that you helped me with under the topic of dynamically adding. I am trying to hide/show contentItems based on the value of others. I am able to do it without issue on the parent, but the same techniques do not work on the child (sure this problem will trickle down to the child of the child). In the callback function I findContentItem(child) and set visibility but it doesn't work. It is like the contentItem that is returned isn't the right one.
I reviewed your posts above but my problem isn't with the binding, it is with finding the contentItem in the callback.
I don't have enough of a firm grasp on promises, binding and what is returned when to resolve this on my own. I ended up creating a global variable and assigning the contentItem I want to it during that contentItem's post render event. That works but I know it is not correct and will get unwieldy as I continue developing.
Thanks for being here.
By Maria Granville on
10/4/2015 7:30 AM
@Maria Granville - To do what you need to do I recommend: This is a completely different method than the one you are trying now. For further assistance please post to the official LightSwitch forums at:
By Michael Washington on
10/4/2015 7:32 AM
Thanks for the reply Michael. I have given up trying to work with contentItems on the children. I'm going to design to manipulate the DOM with javascript and jquery. P.S. I did post this question along with the dynamic add on the official site with a related question on validationResults. I got the answer to 2. This was the last hurdle but js works.
By Maria Granville on
10/4/2015 12:54 PM
First thanks for all the great info you share on this site. I am new to LS and this site has been a tremendous help. I have an application that I am trying to build. Essentially I have a users table (tblUsersSet) with the same usernames as the asp_Users table. I am trying to query some information in the tblUsersSet based on the logged in user. I have downloaded your solution but I cannot get my app to get the data from the users table and populate a couple of field in an addedit screen. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
By Fadi Elawar on
11/22/2015 9:09 AM
@Fadi Elawar - Post the code that is not working for you in the official Microsoft LightSwitch forums for assistance. Thanks!
By Michael Washington on
11/22/2015 9:12 AM