Written by:
Michael Washington
5/9/2012 11:05 PM

The first Southern California LightSwitch User’s Group meeting was a success. The group was formed a month ago after I made an announcement in the LightSwitch Help Website forums: (Anyone want to form a Southern California LightSwitch User Group?). We had 7 members attend our first meeting.
6:30pm – Tom and I stopped by Target and picked up some chips, cookies, and crackers. At the next meeting we will order pizza, at this meeting we were not sure how many people would come and if we could eat a full meal in the conference room.
7:00pm – Most of the members have arrived. We decided to wait 10 minutes for anyone else to show up. People introduced themselves and passed out their cards if they had them. I asked some people if they were new to LightSwitch and half were.
7:10pm – I launched into a overview of LightSwitch for the new people, and talked about OData and why it is so important. I ended up going longer than the 20 minutes I planned.
7:50pm – The next member hooked up to the projector and showed us the half completed application that will allow him to provide a loyalty card service to small businesses. He showed how he implemented computed fields, picture uploading, and multi-tenant filtering using this article: Levels of Validation and Filtering on User Membership.
8:15pm – The next member hooked up his laptop and showed us a real estate application he is working on. He had some question on implementing custom filtering. We suggested he use: Using The LightSwitch Filter Extension.
9:00pm – The meeting breaks up. Five of us spend the next hour talking in the parking lot about our various projects.
Join The Group
You can join the group at this link: SoCal LightSwitch User Group.
Start Your Own Group
You can start your own group by making an announcement in the forums like I did. Once your group has formed, you can create a group on the LightSwitch Help Website at: