Written by:
Michael Washington
7/20/2015 6:08 PM

You can get Visual Studio LightSwitch for free.
Step one, download the Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition from:

Step two, download and install the Office Developer Tools from:

LightSwitch will now show up under New Projects.
Next Steps
Get started using LightSwitch with the tutorial here:
Online Ordering System (An End-To-End LightSwitch Example)
7 comment(s) so far...
Thanks, I couldn't find the LS download for VS 2015 Comunity.
By GerryW on
7/28/2015 11:01 AM
@GerryW - There is not a "LS download for VS 2015 Community". There is only "VS 2015 Community" and the "Office Developer Tools" add on that includes LightSwitch.
By Michael Washington on
7/28/2015 12:12 PM
Hi, Michael. I have a problem with creating HTML lightswich project in VS 2015 Community. VS tells me that it is impossible because "this projects are not supported in this VS version". Is this known problem?
By Talib on
8/15/2015 4:59 AM
@Talib - I have not seen that problem. For more help see the official LightSwitch forums at: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?forum=lightswitch
By Michael Washington on
8/15/2015 5:00 AM
Brilliant, you are really doing LS like a BOSS! Thanks a lot for this.
By Anele Mbanga on
8/19/2015 8:14 PM
Hi, this is Ali from Turkey. When i want to run new Lightswitch project, this message show "The office developer tool language does not match the language of VS. MS VS language: English (US). Please install the office developer tools for this language from: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=392577&clcid=0x409". I followed link and download this tool but result same. How i solve this problem? Thanks.
By Ali KILIC on
2/6/2016 5:55 AM
@ Ali KILIC - Sorry I have no idea :( You will want to post to the official LightSwitch Forums at: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?forum=lightswitch
By Michael Washington on
2/6/2016 5:56 AM