Written by:
Michael Washington
6/11/2012 8:28 PM

The Visual Studio LightSwitch team announced today, that in an upcoming release (LightSwitch HTML Client Preview), LightSwitch will output HTML pages!
You can get all the details here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/lightswitch/archive/2012/06/11/announcing-the-lightswitch-html-client.aspx.
To see it in action you must watch this great video: http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/funkyonex/Early-Look-at-the-Visual-Studio-LightSwitch-HTML-Client.

You will be able to add one or more Client projects to your LightSwitch solution.

For now, the only option is to add a HTML Client.

The process to create a Screen remains the same as a normal LightSwitch Silverlight screen.

You will also be able to customize the JavaScript.
The Output

The HTML client leverages jQuery Mobile that provides support for easy navigation by mobile devices and Tables.

It also provides theming.

In the initial release, the pages are optimized for mobile clients.
You will want to read the responses about full page HTML from the LightSwitch team on this thread: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/lightswitchhtml/thread/efe77051-66e4-4d88-9f8a-c2472ee023a5.
When the announced LightSwitch HTML Client Preview is ready, it should be available for download from this page:
2 comment(s) so far...
By Paul McCranie on
6/15/2012 5:36 AM
This is fantastic. It really gives a lightswitch app scale within the market now onto cross device/platform. It will also help in converting old winform sql projects into new SL desktop / HTML web access applications.
im currently rebuilding our in house crm and have about 60% of its functionality rebuilt in lightswitch in 1 day, amazing
By cjoc on
6/22/2012 5:08 AM