Written by:
Michael Washington
5/3/2013 6:34 AM

LightSwitch will allow you to easily create a popup to allow a user to select an item from a list in an associated table and to set a value.
You can see an example at this link. What is more difficult, is constraining that list of items presented based on business rules.
The Sample Application

In our sample application, we have a list of regions. There are three that are in the North. One of them in inactive.

When we click on a region record we can select the region (North, South, East, or West) and give the region option a name.
We can also indicate if the region is active (or not).

When we edit a Customer we can set their region.

We can now add Incidents for a Customer.

When we click the button to set the region option for the Customer, we only see active region options for the region the Customer is in.

When we select a region option in the Popup, it is set as the region option for the Incident.
Creating The Application

We create a normal Add/Edit screen.

We click the Add Data Item button, and add the RegionOptions collection.

We click Edit Query on the collection.

We create a query to implement our business rules.
We create a Region parameter for the query.

We click the Back button to return to the screen designer.

We specify the value for our parameter by clicking on it, and in the Properties, navigate to the Customer property of the Incident entity.

We select the CustomerRegion of the Customer entity.

In the screen designer, we will see a line showing the connection for the parameter when we click on it.

Next, we add a Popup.

We drag and drop the RegionOptions collection onto the Popup.

We delete the Customer section (because it is not needed).

We also delete the second column on the first tab (because it is not needed).

We add a new Button.

We set it to open the Popup.

We set “…” for the display name for the Popup.

We add Region Options to the first tab.

We change Region Options to only display the Summary.

Next, we want to set the Region Option when a user clicks on it in the Popup.
We click on the Region Options Set List in the Popup and in its Properties, we click the Item Tap action.

We create a method for the Action.

We right-click on the newly created method in the View Model and select Edit Execute Code.
We use the following code for the method:
myapp.AddEditIncidentNew.RegionOptionsSet_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
// Get the list that is in the Popup
var RegionOptionsSet = screen.findContentItem("RegionOptionsSet");
// Get the selected item in the list
var RegionOption = RegionOptionsSet.value.selectedItem;
// update Region for the Incident
//Close the Popup
Simple Method
If you need to add additional items to the Popup such as a search within the list shown on the Popup the method shown will work for you.
However if a simple list is all you need, you don’t actually need to create the Popup or write any code.

We change the Region Option control to a Details Modal Picker.

In the Properties for the Modal Picker, we change the Choices to the RegionOptions collection (that has the query that implements the business rules).

When we run the program, a drop down appears that causes a Popup to show.
Download Code
The LightSwitch project is available at
(you must have Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 installed to run the code)
8 comment(s) so far...
Instead of creating your own popup and writing code, you can also simply set the "Choices" property of the Region picker to the query on your screen.
Cheers, -Beth
By Beth Massi on
5/3/2013 10:04 AM
@Beth Massi - Thanks I updated the article.
By Michael Washington on
5/3/2013 7:44 PM
Thanks for the article good information. Now if I want to create a screen and use it as a dialogue (that way I can reuse it instead of creating the same popup in multiple screens). How do I wire the selection in the dialogue screen to the item in the caller screen.
By Juan on
5/31/2013 12:32 PM
@Juan - Please make a post in the official LightSwitch Forums:
By Michael Washington on
5/31/2013 12:32 PM
Great tutorials, i'm just starting with LightSwitch (WebForms developer) and its really helping me, I was following this exact tutorial, but i have a some questions.
1.- When I add a query to the screen always creates the control as a list and i can´t change it to a modal.
2.- My table contains a collection and in the popup I filter the the data from this collection, but when I'm typing the code to put the selected value from the popup in the screen i get nothing from intellisense, in fact when i type screen. only appears the entity (in my case Evaluacion) but not the Collections.
Thanks. and congrats again
By bungunala on
11/28/2013 11:40 AM
@bungunala - The blog comments is a hard place to answer questions, it doesn't allow for threaded reply's ect. Please make a post in the official LightSwitch Forums:
By Michael Washington on
11/28/2013 12:07 PM
I will, and thank you again for the tuts, they are great and they are helping me a lot.
By bungunala on
11/28/2013 1:48 PM
Thanks for the article It Helped Me a lot and Saved My Time .
By Vinod on
3/12/2014 9:12 AM